Is BYOB Choir for me?

If you have a little one aged 0-5 and are keen to meet new friends you are the perfect BYOB Choir singer.

There’s no audition to join, all songs are taught by ear and you’ll never have to sing solo. Classes run weekly during term-time. You have the option to sing outside with the changing seasons or inside at one of our lovely venues.

When & Where


St George Park (outside near the tennis courts)
11:15am – 12:00pm

St George Park (outside near the tennis courts)
10 – 10:45am

St Andrew’s Park, BS6
11:30am – 12:15pm

St Francis Centre, Bedminster
10 – 11am

Ashton Court (outside near the mansion)
11:30am - 12:15pm

In October 2023 we celebrated 10 years!

“Thank you for designing a group with parent’s interests as the central focus. This idea should be applied to so many more things!”

— Janey Noble

“BYOB choir is such a magical community. It's been a highlight of my journey into becoming a mother”

— Ellen Segalov